To reach the desired endfineness, a grinding in suspension is obligate. For this, we recommend using the Planetary Mono Mill PULVERISETTE 6 classic line.
250 ml grinding bowl made of zirconium oxide (ZrO2)
+500g of 1 mm ZrO2
Material attributes:
After pre grinding in result 1
Feed quantity:
100 ml (see result 1)
Feed Size:
d90 < 60,5 µm (see result 1)
+ 40ml water
Grinding time:
120 min
Final fineness:
d90 < 2,0 µm
After pre grinding in result 1, balls have been changed to 1mm Ø and the proper amount of water has been added to achieve motor oil like viscosity for best grinding result.
To avoid overpressure, we ground the sample in steps of 5 minutes, followed by a programmed pausing time of 10 minutes. After several cycles, the outside temperature of the bowl should be checked (remain below 80°C); grinding time or programmed pausing time might be readjusted afterwards.
After 2 hours of grinding, fineness has been checked with our Laser Particle Sizer ANALYSETTE 22 NanoTec. Desired fineness has already been reached.