To maximize the throughput, the optional single-use-vessels with 100 ml volume could be used. Those containers could also be used to transport or store a sample.
For our demonstration, we picked a reusable 40 ml vessel to comminute the desired one gram of sample.
The vessel was clicked into the adapter and the sample was ground in 3 cycles 10 seconds. We checked the sample after 20 seconds of total grinding time and already found a majority of sample < 2 mm as desired.
After finally 30 seconds of grinding, the desired 90 % < 2 mm was surely reached. The sample was packed and the few milligrams of residues were removed with warm, soapy water.
We would recommend to program a SOP with shorter intervals at maximum speed (e.g. 2 second intervals with max. speed, followed by 1 second of pausing). It also might be possible to improve the fineness with longer total grinding times.
Original fragment of CBD-cannabis.
Sample piece inside the opened 40 ml reusable container.
After 20 seconds, the majority of sample was comminuted to the desired < 2 mm fineness.