M090158 | |
Ceramics / glass industry | |
<40µm | |
d50 < 1µm |
Planetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 premium line1100rpm |
Equipment: |
80 ml zirconium oxide (ZrO2) bowl with 100g of 1 mm ZrO2 balls. |
20 g*1 | |
d50< 4,7 µm | |
+ 9ml isopropyl alcohol | |
30 min*2 | |
d50 < 1,05 µm | |
*1: bulk density is about 1,1g/ccm equivalent ≈ 20ccm
*2: We had to add 4ml of isopropyl alcohol for further grinding.
See our partice size analysis after 30min with ANALYSETTE 22 NanoTec, on Meas.No 7358. |
Download: | 090158_leaded_glass_30min.pdf | |
090158_leaded_glass_original.pdf |
Planetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 premium line1100rpm |
Equipment: |
80 ml zirconium oxide (ZrO2) bowl with 100g of 1 mm ZrO2 balls. |
20 g | |
d50< 1,05 µm | |
+ 13ml isopropyl alcohol*1 | |
60 min*2 | |
d50 < 0,9 µm | |
*1: After 30min of grinding (trail 1a) we added 4ml of isopropyl alcohol and grinded up to the full hour.
*2: d50 after 60min: 0,88µm
See our partice size analysis after 60min with ANALYSETTE 22 NanoTec, on Meas.No 7361. |
Download: | 090158_leaded_glass_60min.pdf |