mortar and 50 mm Ø grinding made of zirconium oxide (ZrO2)
+ Cryo Box
Feed quantity:
1.4 g
Feed Size:
< 3 cm
+ liquid N2
Grinding time:
10 min
Final fineness:
50% < 43.2 µm
Sample and grinding set have been placed into the Cryo-Box and got fixed to the vibrating plate. Mainly in the beginning of the grinding process, the consuption of liquid nitrogen will be a little higher until the grinding set and sample becomes chilled. Afterwards, less nitrogen will be used for grinding.
After 10 minutes, grinding process has been interrupted. The sample appears to be < 100 µm. We brushed out the ground sample and determined the achieved fineness with our Laser Particle Sizer ANALYSETTE 22 Compact. It has been found that a d50 < 43,2 µm has been already reached.
Even longer grinding times are plausible to achieve a finer result.