For a grinding of sample to the desired faction of 0,1- 0,5 mm a pre-grinding is necessary. For this, we recommend using a Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 Model I.
The complete sample amount has been ground within 90 seconds.
Fine dust of sample which is sticking to the grinding chamber by electrostatic charge can be removed by a vacuuming with a soft brush.
For grinding to the desired fineness, we set a gap between the grinding disks of 0,2 mm. 2,5 kg of pre-ground sample have been ground within 180 seconds. After grinding the temperature of ground sample has been 65° C. We are guessing that temperature might rise a little higher by grinding of higher amounts.
To determine the present fineness we sieved an aliquot of 50 gr with our Vibratory Sieve Shaker ANALYSETTE 3 Pro and test sieves of 100 µm and 500 µm mesh for 10 minutes with an amplitude of 2,5 mm. It has shown that 36,1% of sample use to be smaller as 100 µm. 58,1% use to be in the desired range of 100 – 500 µm. 5,8% are > 500 µm. It is possible to increase the desired faction amount by stepwise grinding (0,4 mm gap; 0,3 mm gap; 0,2 mm gap) and separation (by sieving or sifting) of desired faction.
It is possible to combine Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 Model I and Disk Mill PULVERISETTE 13 with a mounting rack (accessories for continuous operation).