Particle Sizer



Order No.
Product details

Technical data

Measuring range dry measurement: 20 µm - 20 mm
wet measurement: 5 µm - 3 mm
Method of analysis Dynamic Image Analysis
Type of analysis dry measurement of free-flowing powders and bulk solids
wet measurement of suspensions and emulsions
Measurement values particle shape and particle size
Standard ISO 13322-2
different, easy to change telecentric lenses
dry measurement
Enlargement / measuring range:
1. 0.157x / ~ 90 μm – 20 mm
2. 0.243x /~ 60 µm –14.5 mm
3. 0.35x / ~ 40 μm – 9 mm
4. 0.735x / ~ 20 μm – 4.5 mm

wet measurement
Enlargement / measuring range:
1. 0.35x / ~ 20 μm – 3 mm
2. 0.735x / ~ 10 μm – 2 mm
3. 1.333x / ~ 5 μm – 1 mm
Size of the measuring field (FoV) /
Depth of field (DoF)
dry measurement:
various lenses
FoV / DoF
1. 53.8 x 45 mm / ~ 27 mm
2. 34.7 x 29.1 / ~ 11mm
3. 24.1 x 20.2 mm / ~ 5 mm
4. 11.5 x 9.62 mm / ~ 1.2 mm

wet measurement:
various lenses
FoV / DoF
1. 24.1 x 20.2 mm / ~ 5 mm
2. 11.5 x 9.62 mm / ~ 1.2 mm
3. 6.34 x 5.3 mm / ~ 0.5 mm
Camera 5 megapixel CMOS camera
2,448 x 2,050 pixel resolution
USB 3.0
Typical measuring time < 5 min (depending on the desired measuring statistics)
Typical sample quantity dry measurement: 10 - 100 g
wet measurement: 0.1 - 1 g
Measuring speed max. 75 images/s
Evaluation fast image analysis for morphology description and particle size determination
Software ImageSizing-Software ISS for controlling, recording and evaluating the measuring results pre-installed on supplied computer, incl. monitor, keyboard and mouse (without computer hardware for deliveries to CIS countries)
System requirements
(for computers supplied by customer)
Standard Windows PC with Intel Core i7 Quad Core processor or better, at least 16 GB main memory, drives: 1 TB SSD, 1 TB HDD, USB 3.0 port, Windows 10 (64 bit), monitor with 1,920 x 1,080 pixel or better, keyboard, mouse
Electrical details 100 – 240 V/1~, 50 – 60 Hz, 60 Watt
Dimensions (w x d x h) dry measurement: 86.2 x 30.6 x 54.7 cm
wet measurement: 86.2 x 30.6 x 54.7 cm
and 24.6 x 24.6 x 30 cm (wet dispersion unit)
Net weight dry measurement: 38.6 kg
wet measurement: 52 kg

Ultrasonic Box

Output Adjustable up to 50 Watt
Materials used in the sample circulation system High-quality stainless steel 316L, FFKM, hoses made of silicone
Sample material characteristics Suspensions, emulsions and solids that agglomerate
Dimensions (w x d x h) 28.7 x 9 x 27.9 cm
Net weight 6.2 kg

Meets the requirements of ISO 13322-2 for Dynamic Image Analysis.

Order No.
Jessica Seifert
FRITSCH GmbH - Milling and Sizing
Industriestrasse 8
55743 Idar-Oberstein
Phone +49 67 84 70 0
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Individual Particle analysis

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