FRITSCH international
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FRITSCH Worldwide at your service

Select one of our world wide representatives from the pull down menu or click within the map.

  • Fritsch Germany

    Our commercial offices and our production facilities for FRITSCH laboratory instruments are conveniently and centrally located in Idar-Oberstein, Germany.

    Phone: +49 67 84 70 0 • info(at)


    Utilize Google Maps to visit the FRITSCH Headquarters

  • FRITSCH asia pacific
    Diels Ding
    FRITSCH Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd.
    25 International Business Park, #02-10A, German Centre
    609916 Singapore
    Phone + 65 65 62 91 40
    Mobile +65 91 17 35 08

    On-site, personal and uncomplicated, the complete FRITSCH service

    Application consultation: Our business manager for Asia-Pacific, Mr. Diels Ding, will assist you in all matters concerning milling and sizing, whether you need to find the perfect instrument for your specific application or need technical support.

    Trainings und workshops: Mr. Ding conducts application and product trainings for FRITSCH laboratory instruments at your site or at convenient locations. Just ask him!

    Individual sample grinding, sieve analysis or particle analysis: Sample comminution and particle analysis are conducted in our laboratory in Singapore. Simply print and complete the form and mail it together with your sample to Mr. Ding and he will mail you your individual grinding respectively analysis report. Our download forms:

    Comminution in laboratory mills

    Sieve analysis

    Particle analysis

  • FRITSCH China
    CHINA Headquarters
    Li Xiao
    FRITSCH Beijing Scientific Instruments Co., Ltd.
    Room 108, No.12 Yumin road
    100029 Beijing City
    Phone +86 10 82 03 60 09
    Sala Bian
    FRITSCH Beijing Scientific Instruments Co., Ltd. (Shanghai Office)
    No. 1715 North Zhongshan Road
    200061 Shanghai
    Phone +86 21 61 07 07 14

    On-site, personal and uncomplicated, the complete FRITSCH service

    Application consultation: In China we have two FRITSCH offices and application consultants at your service. Mr. Li Xiao in Beijing City and Mr. Sala Bian in Shanghai.
    Mr. Li Xiao will be more than glad to assist you in finding exactly the right laboratory instrument for your specific application.
    Mr. Sala Bian will advise you on installation, maintenance and repair as well as on all technical application questions.

    Trainings und Workshops: Mr. Li Xiao will conduct application and product trainings for FRITSCH laboratory instruments at your site or at convenient locations.
    Just ask him!

    Individual sample grinding, sieve analysis or particle analysis: Sample comminution and particle analysis are conducted directly by Mr. Ding in our laboratory in Singapore. Simply print and complete the form and mail it together with your sample to Mr. Ding and he will mail you your individual grinding respectively analysis report. Our download forms:

    Comminution in laboratory mills

    Sieve analysis

    Particle analysis



  • FRITSCH France
    Responsable Commercial France
    Walter De Oliveira
    FRITSCH GmbH - Broyage et Granulométrie
    Industriestrasse 8
    55743 Idar-Oberstein
    Mobile +33 6 60 23 89 94, deoliveira(at)
    Conseillère technique Sud-Est
    Gladys Da Conceicao
    FRITSCH GmbH - Broyage et Granulométrie
    Industriestrasse 8
    55743 Idar-Oberstein
    Mobile +33 7 61 17 89 95

    On-site, personal and uncomplicated, the complete FRITSCH service

    Application consultations: In France our FRITSCH Team, Gladys Da Conceicao and Walter de Oliveira will assist you in all matters concerning milling and sizing, whether you need to find the perfect instrument for your specific application or need technical support.
    (Besides France, Mr. De Oliveira is also the contact for the following countries: France, Spain, Portugal, Maghreb and South America).

    Training and Workshops: Our team in France will conduct application and product trainings for FRITSCH laboratory instruments at your site or at convenient locations. Just ask!  

    Individual sample grinding, sieve analysis or particle analysis: Sample comminution and particle analysis can be performed directly - if desired - at your location. Mr. de Oliveira will stop by with the fully equipped FRITSCH laboratory bus Roadshow-Dates
    Of course you may also mail your sample to us. Simply print and complete the form and mail it together with your sample to Mr. de Oliveira and he will mail you your individual grinding respectively analysis report. Our download forms:

    Comminution in laboratory mills

    Sieve analysis

    Particle analysis



  • FRITSCH Russia
    Alexander Ionin
    FRITSCH Laboratory Instruments OOO
    M-Style-Office, 3d, Pavlovskii Per. 1, Office No. 109
    115093 Moscow
    Phone +7 495 781 2036, ionin(at)
    Technical service
    Dmitry Dankin
    FRITSCH Laboratory Instruments OOO
    M-Style-Office, 3d, Pavlovskii Per. 1, Office No. 109
    115093 Moscow
    Phone + 7 495 781 20 36
    Mobile + 7 916 912 74 92

    On-site, personal and uncomplicated, the complete FRITSCH service

    Your personal contacts: In Russia are two FRITSCH application consultants at your service: Mr. Alexander Ionin will be more than glad to assist you in finding exactly the right laboratory instrument for your specific application.
    Mr. Dmitry Dankin will advise you on installation, maintenance and repair as well as on all technical application questions.
    Our contacts in Russia are also responsible for the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

    Training und Workshops: Mr. Dankin will conduct application and product trainings for FRITSCH laboratory instruments at your site or at convenient locations. Just ask him!

    Individual sample grinding, sieve analysis or particle analysis: Sample comminution and particle analysis are conducted directly in our laboratory in Moscow. Simply print and complete the form and mail it together with your sample to Mr. Dankin and he will mail you your individual grinding respectively analysis report. Our download forms:

    Comminution in laboratory mills

    Sieve analysis

    Particle analysis





    USA Headquarters
    Melissa Fauth
    FRITSCH Milling and Sizing, Inc.
    57 Grant Drive, Suite G
    27312 Pittsboro, NC
    Phone + 1 919 229 0599 101
    Jeff Scott
    FRITSCH Milling and Sizing, Inc.
    57 Grant Drive, Suite G
    27312 Pittsboro, NC
    Mobile +1 919 623 9666
    Applications Laboratory
    Chris Biamonte
    FRITSCH Milling and Sizing, Inc.
    57 Grant Drive, Suite G
    27312 Pittsboro, NC
    Phone + 1 919 229 0599 103

    On-site, personal and uncomplicated, the complete FRITSCH service

    Application consultation: Our sales director for the US, Mrs. Melissa Fauth will assist you in all matters concerning milling and sizing, whether you need to find the perfect instrument for your specific application or need technical support.

    Training and Workshops: Mrs. Fauth will conduct application and product trainings for FRITSCH laboratory instruments at your site or at convenient locations in the US. Just ask!

    Individual sample grinding, sieve analysis or particle analysis: Sample comminution and particle analysis are conducted in our laboratory in the USA. Simply print and complete the form and mail it together with your sample to Mrs. Fauth and she will mail you your individual grinding respectively analysis report. Our download forms:

    Comminution in laboratory mills

    Sieve analysis

    Particle analysis